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  1. Update on Forum

    Hi U2 fans!

    We are looking for volunteers to take over admin and cost of this forum. I will get back to tutorials someday, but Tim and I need to take a break from admin duties.

    We mostly need someone experienced with web hosting, software and configuration of the forum software. We can figure out how to transfer the responsibilities over to whomever will manage it all.

    We also need to start to take donations for the hosting or ideally find someone who ...
  2. New Cover: Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks

    Here it is! I used this to test all my new video gear. I've always wanted to cover this song. It's not as easy as it looks. It's torture on the right hand! 16th notes for over five minutes! No delay! Welcome to my new home studio!
  3. Quick Update

    Hi everyone!

    Well, I'm finally settled into our new home in Durham, NC. I have a room in the basement dedicated to music. I've invested in new equipment so that I can make tutorials easier to produce and more professional. Still not ready to come back full force, but slowly getting everything set up and playing a little more guitar. It's been a long time and I'm glad I have my tutorials because I don't remember most of the songs!

    I'm working on a new cover that ...
  4. Forum Update

    Hello U2GT Forum Members, and Happy New Year!

    Due to some downtime that wasn't our fault and poor support by our hosting provider, we have decided to migrate this forum to another platform in the coming weeks. If the forum is unavailable, please know we are working in the background and will be back. Also, please contact me and/or Tim if you are a web developer and interested in helping us maintain the vBulletin software. Tim has maintained this site for many years, and it would ...
  5. 50 anniversary Vox AC30 settings

    Hi guys,
    just having some issues achieving a nice core tone on my amp, can anyone help, I'm using Axe FX 2 and Edges Sign Strat, but just after a solid core tone
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